October 18, 2024
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The Albanese Government has introduced new legislation to tackle unscrupulous and non-genuine
providers and improve the integrity of the nation’s vocational education and training (VET) sector.
The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Amendment (Strengthening Quality and
Integrity in Vocational Education and Training No. 1) Bill 2024, introduced into parliament on
Wednesday 7 February, responds to integrity and quality issues in the VET sector.
The VET sector is intimately connected to very part of the economy – if VET isn’t strong and trusted,
our economy won’t reach it’s potential.
This legislation makes it harder for non-genuine providers to operate in the sector. It also allows the
Australians Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to crack down when these providers take advantage of
vulnerable students and imposes harder penalties for egregious misconduct.
Australia is renowned for delivering world class education and training. A minority of providers are
happy to tarnish that reputation for individual gain. We’ve already put them on notice, now, we’re
putting them out of business.
This Bill supports the majority of providers who are doing the right thing. They, along with students,
industry and the whole Australian community will benefit from the removal of dodgy providers, who
undermine integrity and trust in VET.
These changes build on the Albanese Government’s investment in integrity and quality in the VET
sector. This included our $37.8 million investment which funded the establishment of an Integrity Unit
within ASQA, and a tip-off line for unacceptable and egregious RTO conduct.
The Government has strengthened the Fit and Proper Person Requirements under the Act and work
is underway to revise the Standards for RTOs to support high-quality delivery across the sector.
Key amendments in the Bill are outlined here.
Quotes attributable to the Minister for Skills and Training, the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP:
“These legislative changes provide ASQA with greater powers to prevent and remove non-genuine
training organisations.
“What we are doing is simple. We are making it tougher for the bottom-feeders, the fraudsters, and
the cheats to take advantage of students for a quick buck. We are restoring integrity to the sector.”

Quotes attributable to the Member for Werriwa, Ms Anne Stanley MP:
“The Government is weeding out dodgy providers that exist in the VET sector, who seek to exploit
students and compromise the integrity and reputation of the entire sector in the process.
“Most providers do the right thing and are in the business of education and training for the right
reasons. They will benefit from the removal of non-genuine actors, who undermine integrity and trust
in VET.”
